Da findet jeder seine Korn... Three square posts, widths: .034, .052, .072 Three round dot posts, diameters: .034, .052, .072 One V-notch and inverted V (point up)
47,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
Passt auf jeden AR15 Kornsockel...
45,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
15,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
19,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
19,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
Hülse mit Pin
5,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
3,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
passt zu 90% immer... 1x 4 Kronen 1x 5 Kronen
15,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
Ist ja selten mit dabei... 4 Kronen
18,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
Two Styles, For A1 & A2, Give Fast, Convenient Sight Adjustment Precision machined from tough, stressproof steel with square-profile fingers that grip the sight notches firmly and won’t "roll out"; provides easy, exact sight adjustment. Plus, they resist bending and breaking to give years of service. Deeply drilled body fits both issue and tall blade sights. An extra-nice touch are the hex-shaped bodies; they’re easy to grasp, easy to turn and won’t roll off your bench. Three tools: A1 five-prong and A2 four-prong fit front and rear sights. A1/A2 is double ended to fit both five-detent A1 and four-detent, square blade, A2 front sights only. A2 wrenches also fit FN SCAR. SPECS: Stressproof steel, blue finish. A1: five-prong and A2: four-prong (adjusts front and rear). 1-3/8" (3.5cm) long x ¾" (19mm) dia. A1/A2: 2½" (6.4cm) long four-prong/five-prong front only wrench. A2 wrench is designed for the standard A-2 style front post Abbildung ähnlich
22,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
Two Styles, For A1 & A2, Give Fast, Convenient Sight Adjustment Precision machined from tough, stressproof steel with square-profile fingers that grip the sight notches firmly and won’t "roll out"; provides easy, exact sight adjustment. Plus, they resist bending and breaking to give years of service. Deeply drilled body fits both issue and tall blade sights. An extra-nice touch are the hex-shaped bodies; they’re easy to grasp, easy to turn and won’t roll off your bench. Three tools: A1 five-prong and A2 four-prong fit front and rear sights. A1/A2 is double ended to fit both five-detent A1 and four-detent, square blade, A2 front sights only. A2 wrenches also fit FN SCAR. SPECS: Stressproof steel, blue finish. A1: five-prong and A2: four-prong (adjusts front and rear). 1-3/8" (3.5cm) long x ¾" (19mm) dia. A1/A2: 2½" (6.4cm) long four-prong/five-prong front only wrench. A2 wrench is designed for the standard A-2 style front post
28,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)
DPMS Front and Rear Sight Adjusting Tool (5-Prong) AR-15 A1 Steel je 5 Kronen
30,00 € (incl. Mwst. zzgl. Versand)